CLEANING SERVICE - HOFFMEN CLEANINDO, PT Posted: 03 Oct 2013 02:58 AM PDT LOWONGAN KERJA Perusahaan Jasa yang berada di Semarang sedang membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi :
Kualifikasi: - Pria atau Wanita
- Maks umur 40 tahun
- Sehat Jasmani (fisik)
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Area Semarang dan Sekitarnya.
Jika Anda tertarik dan memenuhi kualifikasi di atas, kirimkan resume lengkap dan pas foto terbaru Anda ke alamat: Ruko Peterongan Plaza blok D8, Jalan MT Haryono no 719 Atau Hubungi Bapak Suharno (untuk Security) 081901706604 dan Bapak Sugeng (untuk CS) 085728447835 Atau gunakan "Apply Now" (for member/non member) This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service — if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: |
MANAGEMENT TRAINEE (MT) - PLATON NIAGA, PT Posted: 03 Oct 2013 02:46 AM PDT Emp. Ref. No. :UG 3/10 | JobsDB Ref.: JID200003000846634 | Post Date:03-Oct-13 PT. Platon Niaga was an Financial Institution established in 2000. A career with Platon Niaga gives you the opportunity to feed your passion and foster personal growth. | MANAGEMENT TRAINEE (MT) | Requirements: - Male / Female
- A Bachelor Degree holder with major in management (finance, economic or marketing).
- Graduates from local and overseas universities with strong grades
- 1 or 2 years of working experiences is an advantage but not essential
- A future leader that will be the crucial part of the company.
- Hardworking, attention to details, well organized, good in communicating.
Benefit: - Attractive remuneration packages around 2000USD above included monthly allowance, full commission, incentive, bonus
- Comprehensive training by internal and external trainers
- Conducive working environment with office support
- Excellent career path for the futures
To be placed in JAKARTA Please send your complate CV along with recent photograph not later than 09 October 2013 to: HRD DEPARTMENT Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia Tower 2, Lt 16, Suite 1606 Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav 52 รข€" 53 Jakarta Selatan 12190
Or submit your CV to
Mark the appropriate position (MT) at the top left side or the envelope or as the subject or your e-mail | |
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Admin STAFF (ADM) - BII FINANCE, PT Posted: 03 Oct 2013 02:43 AM PDT KESEMPATAN BERKARIR PT. BII FINANCE adalah perusahaan pembiayaan kendaraan bermotor roda empat yang sedang berkembang pesat dan telah memiliki banyak cabang di berbagai kota besar di Indonesia. Dan saat ini membutuhkan calon karyawan yang berdedikasi tinggi, loyal, jujur, mandiri untuk mengisi posisi : Requirements: - Pria/wanita, maksimal usia 28 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal D3 segala jurusan, minimal IPK 2.75
- Fresh graduate, diutamakan berpengalaman 1 tahun di Perusahaan Pembiayaan/Bank/Asuransi
- Dapat bekerja menggunakan Ms. Office/Open Office
- Teliti, kritis, tekun, ulet, loyal dan disiplin
- Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan
- Bersedia ditempatkan di kantor Pusat
KIRIMKAN SEGERA lamaran lengkap anda dengan CV, fotocopy ijazah pendidikan terakhir, transkrip nilai, nomor telepon dan pasphoto terakhir, dengan mencantumkan kode jabatan dan area penempatan di sudut kiri amplop ke : HR DEPARTMENT PT. BII FINANCE CENTER Ged. Wisma Eka Jiwa Lt. 10 Jl. Mangga Dua Raya Jakarta 10730 Email : This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service — if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: |